These are some of the sweetest kids I know. They live behind me and I sure miss their youngest Jacob breaking into my house at odd hours of the day to say hello.:)
I am in love with this photo session. I was driving around trying to find a great new place for pictures and I was lucky enough to find this!! I think they turned out fabulous. I love the lighting, the colors and of course these great kids!
We had to do two photo sessions for this little cutie because the first time he wasn't happy about it. This time went much smoother. Isn't he a handsome little guy!
This is one of my favorite people, isn't she beautiful. What a great time we had and after it was done she shared a ginormous Reese's PB cup with me. :)
My friend Katie and I swapped family photos and then we did our own kids. My kids are so tired of me taking pictures of them that I didn't even get any of Olivia and Austin.
And this picture just about sums up how well our photos went. I love it, it's hanging on my wall. :)
I can't tell you how excited I was for this photo shoot. I even bought a new lens for it. I think they turned out perfect! It helps that my subject is gorgeous.
She brought her little sister Rylee with her so we definitely had to get her in a shot.